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Eden Park High School

Staff CPD

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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At Eden Park we are committed to continual professional development for all staff. We know that quality teaching and learning is central to improving outcomes for students. We also know that teachers who feel that they are improving in their practice tend to be happier at work and provide a better standard of education for the children they teach. 

Within-school, our CPD offer consists of the following:-

Whole School CPD 

Weekly after school sessions for all staff are tailored to the emerging needs and priorities of the school and important events in our calendar. 

Instructional Coaching

Eden Park implements the "See it, Name it, Do it" model of Instructional Coaching as a way of providing bespoke teaching and learning development based upon the needs of the individual teacher. We train our best classroom practitioners as instructional coaches who develop a trusting, non-judgemental and collaborative relationship with their coachee. We understand the power that Instructional Coaching has on staff and the students they teach and we therefore aspire to see all teaching staff both being coached and being a coach. 

Early Career Teachers and Initial Teacher Training 

Our ECT and ITTs benefit from a broad and robust training programme delivered weekly by teaching and learning leads. Their mentors support them through regular mentor meetings and lesson drops-ins that follow the instructional coaching model. 

External Courses

There are also a variety of external opportunities offered at Eden Park. Members of staff have access to National Professional Qualifications (NPQs), subject specific CPD within their department meetings and a variety of externally run courses.